His Prophecies
being Fulfilled TODAY!
The Vision of Zechariah
Of all the Minor Prophets, Zechariah
(זְכַרְיָה) reveals the clearest and the largest number of passages
referencing the Messiah, many of which have already been fulfilled. Zechariah, for instance, prophesies that the Messiah will
ride on a donkey into Jerusalem as a humble, victorious king: “Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout, Daughter
Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly
and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.” (Zechariah
9:9) Of course, this prophecy was fulfilled when Yeshua (Jesus)
entered Jerusalem for the last time just before the Passover (Matthew
Yeshua's Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem
This passage is not just concerned with Yeshua’s
first coming, however, but also His second. It goes on to reveal that this
humble King will one day magnificently rule “from
sea to sea and from the River to the ends of the earth.” (Zechariah 9:10)
Zechariah tells us that Messiah will come again as savior, judge and,
ultimately, as the righteous King of Kings and Lord of Lords ruling His people
from Jerusalem (14:8–9). This Hebrew prophet reassures us that in the
Last Days, when the Messiah returns to His people, they will finally recognize
Him, realize that they have “missed it” and react with a spirit of mourning. The
people of Jerusalem at that time will be moved by the “Spirit of grace and of
supplication” that will be poured out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem at the
Messiah’s coming. “And I will pour out on the house
of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication.
They will look on Me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for
Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for Him as one grieves
for a firstborn son.” (12:10) The Messiah will return to
Jerusalem and finally be recognized by His people. Each family and clan
will mourn together.
The above piece by Israeli artist Dalia Rosenfeld depicts
the return of Messiah to His people. In the painting the
Hebrew text of the Book of Zechariah is shown in the
form of the tablets of the Law as mourning is seen
throughout the city. The unblemished Lamb of God slain
for the sins of His people appears at the center above
the mourning inhabitants. The stark red background
symbolizes the blood poured out by Yeshua and the cost
of redemption.
the return of Messiah to His people. In the painting the
Hebrew text of the Book of Zechariah is shown in the
form of the tablets of the Law as mourning is seen
throughout the city. The unblemished Lamb of God slain
for the sins of His people appears at the center above
the mourning inhabitants. The stark red background
symbolizes the blood poured out by Yeshua and the cost
of redemption.
Who was Zechariah?
Zechariah, whose
name literally means the LORD has remembered,
is one of

Some contend that this tomb cut out of the rock at the foot of the Mount of
Olives is the tomb of Zechariah.
Olives is the tomb of Zechariah.
The Man Among the
Myrtle Trees
The Lord spoke to Zechariah through visions rich in
symbolism, including one in which the Angel of the
Lord was standing among myrtle trees (1:10). Myrtle
is one of the four species of plant used to make the temporary shelters people
live in during Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles; see Nehemiah 8:15).
This plant was also carried around the altar in the Temple and is
mentioned five times in this vision. The symbolism of numbers is significant in
Jewish interpretation of Scripture. The number five, for instance, is
considered to be “the numeric expression of a group, gathering its divergent
parts into a complete unit.” (Jewish Wisdom in the Numbers, p 89) This
number, therefore, may hint at the return of the Jewish People to the Land.
Indeed, Zechariah is addressing the people who have returned to Jerusalem
and begun to rebuild.
The myrtle, palm, willow and citron of Sukkot.
In the
vision, the Angel of the Lord explains to Zechariah that He is not happy with
the nations. Although He had allowed them to punish Judah for their
sins, they went too far (1:14).
Throughout the Book of Zechariah, the nations are
presented as being indifferent and even hostile to Jerusalem and the Jewish
People. How very like our times when the nations are silent regarding those who
terrorize Israel. Though God’s thoughts are of Israel, the nations’
thoughts are far from the mind of God. We
can understand from Zechariah that God does not want us to be indifferent to
Jerusalem. He certainly is not. In fact, chapter 14 of
Zechariah describes the triumphant return of Messiah to His Land — not humbly
riding on a donkey but victoriously standing on the Mount of Olives. On that
day, “Living water will flow out from Jerusalem,
half of it east to the Dead Sea and half of it west to the Mediterranean Sea,
... The Lord will be king over the whole earth. On that day there
will be one Lord, and His name the only name.” (14:8–9) Messiah
will reign from Jerusalem and each year the people of all the nations will go
up to Jerusalem to “worship the King, the Lord
Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.” (14:16)
Tourists on the Mount of Olives look toward Jerusalem.
Sukkot is a week of joy as those who celebrate it
remember how the Lord Himself tabernacled with His children in the wilderness
and will do so again in the last days. Yet,
the seventh day of the feast has special end-time significance: “Hoshana Rabbah, the seventh day of Sukkot, has
a solemn undertone, it is closely linked to Yom Kippur, for it is on this day
that the final seal is placed on the verdict that was pronounced on Yom
Kippur,” writes Avraham Finkel in Essence of the Holy Days. It is
fitting then that the Lord would require the celebration of this end-time feast
during the Messianic reign to remember the glorious salvation He has given
those who did not reject Him. “This final day of celebrating the Harvest, and
Ingathering, therefore, pictures the final stage of God's plan of salvation —
the ‘Last Great Day,’ or the ‘Great White Throne Judgment’! It literally
pictures the final day of ‘judgment’ and sealing those who will receive eternal
life (compare Revelation 20:11–15), as opposed to those who will suffer the
second and final death penalty (v.14–15).” We see a foreshadowing of this
end-time event with the annual Tabernacles Festival, which is organized by the
International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem. This October, 5,000
Christians representing 85 countries celebrated it for the 36th consecutive
Many from nations around the world come to be a blessing and celebrate
God's plan for Israel at Sukkot.
God's plan for Israel at Sukkot.
Jerusalem and the
Divine Presence
The Lord calls Jerusalem “My house” and promises
that He will rebuild it (1:16). This is a clear assurance of His
Divine Presence among His people in Jerusalem. Furthermore, He also
promises that through His Divine blessing, He will return prosperity in many
manifestations. “This is what the Lord Almighty
says: ‘My towns will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again
comfort Zion and choose Jerusalem.’” (1:17) The Lord calls
for the Jewish People to return to the Land — not merely from Babylon but from
the “four winds of heaven” where the Lord
says, “I have scattered you.” (2:6)
“Whoever touches you touches the apple of His eye,”
declares Zechariah. (2:8) Adonai's
protection of Jerusalem and His people is so personal that He says in the Last
Days, “I myself will be a wall of fire
around it ... and I will be its glory within.’” (2:4) “Shout and be glad, Daughter Zion. For I am coming,
and I will live among you.” (2:10) At that time there will
be a one-state solution that wipes out all strife in the Land, which the Lord
will rule over — “The LORD will inherit Judah as
His portion in the holy land and will again choose Jerusalem.” (2:12)
Jewish people gather at the Western (Wailing) Wall for prayer.
The Lord Promises
to Bless Jerusalem
Again in chapter 8 the Lord assures us through
Zechariah that He has not abandoned His people. “I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem. Then
Jerusalem will be called the Faithful City, and the mountain of the Lord
Almighty will be called the Holy Mountain.” (8:3) Jerusalem
will be a place where both old and young are living in peace: “Once again men and women of ripe old age will sit in the
streets of Jerusalem, each of them with cane in hand because of their age.
The city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing there.”
(8:4–5) The prophet goes on
to describe events that have come to pass in our time — “I will save my people from the countries of the east and
the west. I will bring them back to live in Jerusalem; they will be my
people, and I will be faithful and righteous to them as their God.” (8:7–8)
Zechariah also prophesies that many from the nations will act on the knowledge
that God is with His people: “In those days ten
people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem
of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is
with you.’” (8:23)
A blessing is recited over two Jewish youth at the Western Wall, also
known as the Wailing Wall and the Kotel.
known as the Wailing Wall and the Kotel.
The Righteous
“I am going to bring My servant, the
Branch.” (Zechariah 3:8) Before this glorious reign of
the Messiah, He must first deal with sin and establish a way for those who are
not His people to become His people. The Lord does this because He loves all
mankind and does not want anyone to perish. In the third chapter of
Zechariah, the prophet sees a vision concerning God’s servant, the Branch,
which promises that the “sin of this land” will be removed in a single day.
Likewise, chapter 13 describes a fountain of water opening up to the house of
David with waters that will cleanse the people from their sins. God promises to
forgive His people and restore them to their rightful place through this
Righteous Branch. In chapter six, “the Branch” is identified as being the high
priest Joshua, son of Jozadak and it is said that he will build the Temple of
the Lord and rule from it as king —“he will be a
priest on his throne.” (6:13) And
yet, Zechariah clearly tells us that Joshua and his associates are merely “men
symbolic of things to come.” Joshua is an image of Yeshua (a name
derivative of Yehoshua or Joshua) who the Bible tells us will reign “in the order of Melchizedek” who was both
high priest and king of Salem (Jerusalem). (Hebrews
6:20) Zechariah does not present the only vision concerning the
Branch. Isaiah prophesies that the Branch will come from David (Isaiah
11:1–5). Jeremiah prophesies that the Righteous Branch will
reign as king and that king will be called the LORD our Righteousness (Jeremiah
23:5–6; 33:14–17). Messianic prophecies throughout the Tanakh reveal this
Righteous Branch to be Yeshua HaMashiach.
A Jewish teen wearing a tallit (prayer shawl), tefillin
(phylacteries), and a kippah (head covering) prays
at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.
(phylacteries), and a kippah (head covering) prays
at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem.
The Lord Will Care
for Judah
“I will restore them because I have
compassion on them. They will be as though I had not rejected them.”
(Zechariah 10:6) Since the regathering of His people from the
“four winds of heaven” into the Land of Israel, we have seen God’s promise of
protection fulfilled. No Arab country has been able to conquer the State
of Israel in modern times. Politically
and diplomatically, for the United Nations and the European Union, Israel is a
constant source of frustration. Western nations try to sanction, boycott,
and hurl accusations of war crimes at Israel. At the same time, Arab
nations and regional terror groups devise plans to wipe Israel off the map. While
God’s promise of protection is true and Israeli children are indeed playing in
the streets of cities without walls, it is tragic that these same children must
flee to bomb shelters and endure post traumatic stress from terror and rocket
attacks, just because they are Jews — chosen by God to fulfill His grand plan
in the earth. The good news is that the Lord's plan ends in victory for His
people and His Land: “I am going to make
Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem.
On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her,
I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try
to move it will injure themselves.” (12:2–3) That prophecy
is, even now, unfolding. And as the nations continue to come against
Jerusalem and the Jewish People, they will find that they are making war on the
Lord of Hosts — a losing proposition.
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