Wednesday, 25 June 2014

There are THREE things not to forget!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three things never restored.

  1. Time. Please understand the time and tide will never wait for us.
  2. Words. The words we misspell never been restored.
  3. Opportunities. The chances are come to us only once and while. Do not give up it.

Three things that are destroy our life.

  1. Anger. Anger is the cause of every ruins, run away from it.
  2. Arrogance. God dislike the boasting and self exaggeration. 
  3. Impatient. Patient is far better than goat's soup. 

Three things, gives meaning to our life.

  1. Hope. We do not know what happens tomorrow, so hold on hope.
  2. Peace. Access to the Godly peace that we can acquire from above, celestial happiness! 
  3. Honesty. Be sincere to our own mind.

Three important ingredients in life. 

  1. Love. Love can Conquered anything and any where, even the world.
  2. Family & Friendship. Family is the base and foundation of every individual.
  3. Compassion. Honor other's feelings and needs.

Three important parts that determined ones personality.

  1. Dedication. A dedicated mind means, a given mind for anything.
  2. Honesty. It shows the quality of our mind.
  3. Hard work.  Hardly working is danger but love hard working, will bring the good result in life.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

A stone, shapeless, crystal and curved one rounded through the rough route down with water fall. After a long journey the same stone shaped well and reached in the streams and from there to a beautiful table as paper weight.

"The minute you think of giving

up any attempt and relation,

think of the reason why you held
it so long"

Do not get weary, move ahead with pray. To give up is easy, Satan like that too, Post pone the program is the devils work shop. Trust God!!! You have a wonderful tomorrow......

Monday, 23 June 2014

Guard your Heart!!!!!!!!!!!

As long as our eyes are opened we are observing lot of things from the surroundings of our life. As well as it is said that our mind is like a running mill! Except in the stage of unconscious and sleeping our mind is so active. And it is fact that our heart is always working constantly, if it stops ohh, we can't imagine it! In this crucial situation of our heart and in the stage of our mind, how we take care the mind and heart?

It is not something came to our mind, rather that come out of our mind is destroying us. There fore some filtering have to be done in the heart before anything that flows from heart. Here we acknowledge the need of guarding the heart. As a true Christian we need to fill our heart with word of God. We read in the gospel of John 1:1ff the word was in the beginning , was with God and it was God. Obviously we understand from this passage the word of God is God himself. That means God=Word of God. So once we read the word of God, we understand God. We reading the word of God means we filling word of God in our mind and that will guard our mind and heart. And again we read in same chapter 1:14 the word become flesh and dwelled among us, Jesus. Though that flesh lived among us crucified, rise from the dead and ascended to heaven, now He lives among us as living word of God.

When we tempted to speak with our tongue and think with our mind, the heart will filter this and mentally we will healthy. From the world all malice are detecting our mind and heart. We have to diet for mouth and mind only way to do that filtering by word of God. Treat the Bible as we treat our Mobile. Keeping always our mobiles with us even we sleep! The word of God off course purify us. The word of God is near to us in our mouth. Let us read the Bible as much as we can and that will guard our heart and mind comfortably!