Do you know?????
Is prophecy a thing of the past? [1]
afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will
see visions.” (Joel2:28)
The Bible is full of prophecy that fires the imagination and
challenges us to seek a closer walk with God. Prophecy (nevu’a) is crucial in Judaism, shaping Jewish tradition, hopes, and
expectations, and pointing to the coming Messianic era. Nevu’a is related to
the Hebrew term niv sefatayim, meaning fruit of the
lips, which is what a prophet produces through his words—much fruit
for the glory of God. Throughout the Bible, God appointed prophets to explain
His Word in light of current events and encourage the Jewish People to follow God’s
will. He also
commissioned prophets to reveal future events in order to warn them of the consequences of sin.
In obedience to the Biblical injunction against shaving
the "corners" of one's head, some men and boys in the
Orthodox Jewish community wear payot (sidecurls).
They are also called simonim (signs) by some Jews,
since they distinguish Jewish people from their non-
Jewish neighbors.
sets the history of the Jewish People apart from any other nation.
For instance, God sent Moses to Pharaoh and the Hebrews, Elijah
to the Northern Kingdom of Israel, Samuel to King Saul, Nathan to King David,
and Jonah to the people of Nineveh. All of these
prophets revealed to an important person or entire nation how they were
breaking God’s will and the tragedies that would befall them for continuing in
their sins. It might be said that while
God gave Israel the priests as gifts to uphold the laws of the Torah and
perform the day-to-day rituals of the Temple service, God gave Israel theprophets (nevi’im) to encourage them to fulfill their destiny as God’s Chosen
People—to be a light to the Gentiles so salvation can reach the ends of the
earth. (Isaiah 49:6)
Ultimately, the Israelites as a nation did not fulfill their destiny. The
Northern Kingdom chose to follow kings who were not from the Davidic line,
which God established. They made altars to pagan gods and mingled their
businesses and marriages with pagan worshipers. As a result, the people
were exiled out of their land and scattered. As their disobedience continued,
the prophets revealed more details about the coming Messiah who would save them
from their sins. They foretold what He would do while on earth and even
how and when he would die. The prophets also foretold significant details about
events leading up to the Messianic era in the last days.
Moses Receiving the
Tablets, by Gebhard Fugel
Prophet Like Moses
“When there is a prophet among you, I,
the Lord, reveal myself to them in visions, I speak to them in dreams. But this is not true of my
servant Moses; he is faithful in all My house. With him I speak face to
face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord.” (Numbers 12:6–8)
When we use the word prophet (nevi), such men as Samuel, Isaiah, and Daniel usually come to mind. The Bible tells us, however, that Moses was a type of ultimate
prophet. Moses
differs from the other prophets in that God spoke to him directly, face to
face.“Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the
LORD knew face to face.” (Deuteronomy
34:10) All other prophets of the
Bible, except one revealed below, did not enjoy this close, personal
relationship; instead, they received their message through dreams, visions, and
revelations. There is a limit imposed on how close a prophet can come to God and,
therefore, on the greatness of their revelation. As God told Moses, “No man can
see me and live.” (Exodus
Moses is considered the greatest prophet as he encountered God more
closely than any other Hebrew prophet.He foresaw the
coming of a prophet like him, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), when he said: “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from
among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must listen to him.” (Deuteronomy18:15)
Yeshua confirmed this when He said, “If you
believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me.” (John 5:46) Like Moses, Yeshua spoke with God face-to-face. He received revelation from God openly and not through the
medium of metaphoric images or allegories. He understood God’s will in
its fullness. “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do
nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because
whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19)
Like Moses, Yeshua was a mediator between God and man, speaking
the Words of God to the people. Also like Moses, Yeshua offered to die
for the sins of the people, and He actually did. “Messiah
Yeshua who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of
God and is also interceding for us.” (Romans 8:34)
Visions and Angelic Visitations
While Moses and Yeshua received revelation directly from God, the 55 Hebrew prophets (according to Jewish tradition) whose
words were recorded in the Tanakh for future generations received their
communications in the form of divinely inspired words and actions, visions,
revelations, and visitations.The book of Ezekiel, for example,
opens with the prophet seeing a vision of God(Ezekiel
1:1) who told him
that He is sending Ezekiel to the house of Israel. At the time, Ezekiel
was a priest exiled in Babylon. Woven
throughout the book are significant visions, such as the rebirth of the nation
of Israel (chapter 37), the coming war with nearby nations (chapters
38–39), and the construction details of the coming Third Temple,
which is yet to be built and will be constructed prior to the final coming of
the Messiah (chapters 40–44). Joseph
who dreamed (Genesis 37:5) of his brothers’ sheaves of grain
bowing down to his sheaf is a prime example of someone who received prophecy
through dreams.
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