Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (second from the left) held a
security discussion with the local commanders at the Israel Defense
Forces Samaria Brigade Headquarters after visiting the site where Rabbi
Eitam Henkin and his wife Naama were murdered in front of their four
young children.
security discussion with the local commanders at the Israel Defense
Forces Samaria Brigade Headquarters after visiting the site where Rabbi
Eitam Henkin and his wife Naama were murdered in front of their four
young children.
The recent Blood Moon, which rose on the first
night of Sukkot, when considered alongside several events here in Israel and
around the globe, has encouraged many to speculate that there has been a shift
toward the Magog invasion (Ezekiel 38 war) or at the very least a third
intifada — and quite possibly a new world order. “What possibly awaits us
here is something like a new intifada,” said Martin Schaefer, Germany’s foreign
ministry spokesman, about the disturbing uptick in Palestinian violence over
the holidays. On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel is “waging a fight to the death against
Palestinian terror.” On Monday, he met with the security
cabinet to crack down on Palestinian terror.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Matan Banita Bennet, who was
injured in a terror attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on October 3, 2015. His
father, Aharon, was killed and his mother, Adelle, was severely injured.
injured in a terror attack in Jerusalem’s Old City on October 3, 2015. His
father, Aharon, was killed and his mother, Adelle, was severely injured.
Last week, several families in Israel found
themselves in a season of mourning despite the holiday of Sukkot, the Time of Our Rejoicing (Zman Simchateinu). On
Saturday in the Old City of Jerusalem, Rabbi Nehemia Lavi, 41, and Aharon
Banita-Bennett, 21, were murdered in a terrorist attack. Bennett's wife,
Adelle, 22, and their two-year-old son were also injured. As Adelle
Banita-Bennett tried to escape death, Palestinians who witnessed the stabbings,
mocked, clapped, kicked, laughed, and spat at her. “I ran for dozens of meters
with a knife in my shoulder, bleeding. Arabs
in the area who saw this horrible scene clapped and laughed, and told me that
they hoped for my quick death. I felt I was about to faint,”
she said when she came out of a medically induced coma on Sunday. “I tried to
hold onto someone who passed by, and they just shook me off and kicked me, and
said ‘die.’” The couple and their baby were on their way to the Western Wall to
pray. Lavi died trying to help the couple under attack.
Multitudes visit the Western (Wailing) Wall during Sukkot.
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi David Lau delivered
a eulogy on Sunday at the funeral, expressing the Jewish hope for the coming of
the Messiah:
“A young man with his wife — whom we pray for —
were attached to God, happy in fulfilling His commandments, and their holiday
was turned to pain and anguish,” he said. “Instead of celebrating, we
accompany a young rabbi at his funeral. “We pray
to God, to Whom we are attached, that He provide us with good tidings, with the
comfort of Zion and Jerusalem, and for the end of death in the coming of the
Messiah,” he added. Meanwhile, Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef
called on Jews to come to pray at the Western (Wailing) Wall. "The
situation in which the blood of Jews is spilled like water in the land of
Israel, day after day, when their only sin is their being Jews, is
unbearable," Rabbi Yosef wrote in his call for attendance. "I call on
all those who can to come tonight — the night of Hoshanah Rabbah — and
tomorrow, on the Simchat Torah holiday, to the Western Wall, to perform the
commandment of the holiday and to pray for the peace of the wounded." "We
can't allow a situation in which Jews are afraid to go to the Western
Wall," he said. Jerusalem, however, was considered so dangerous.
Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef
read from the Torah scroll at the Western (Wailing) Wall during Sukkot.
read from the Torah scroll at the Western (Wailing) Wall during Sukkot.
Sadly, it was not the only terrorist
attack during Sukkot, which began this year with the fourth and final Blood
Moon of the Blood Moon Tetrad that coincided with Passover and Sukkot in 2014
and 2015.
The recent uptick in terror, which includes rocket
fire from Gaza, also took the lives of a mother and father of four children in
Samaria. Residents of the community of Neria, Rabbi Eitam Henkin, who was an
American citizen, and his wife Naama Henkin were murdered Thursday, October
2. Terrorists opened fire on their vehicle as they were driving between
Itamar and Elon Moreh. The children likely
survived the attack because the Palestinian gunmen fled the scene after one was
accidentally shot by a member of the terrorist cell as they killed the Israeli
couple. “It was a very difficult scene,” said MDA paramedic Boaz
Malka, one of the first to arrive on the scene. “We saw a vehicle in the
middle of the road, and a man in his thirties lying next to it with wounds in
his upper torso. Inside the car sat a woman in her thirties, also with
severe wounds to her upper torso. They were without any signs of life,
and unfortunately we were forced to pronounce them dead at the scene.”
Sara Netanyahu comforts Adelle Banita Bennett.
Both the Hamas terror group and the
Palestinian Authority (PA) chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party welcomed the
murders. Hamas called the attack “heroic,” calling for “more high-quality
“The Zionists will pay the price for Netanyahu’s
criminal policy in every place,” Hamas said in a statement. The attack came one
day after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas delivered his speech at the
United Nations. "There is a clear link
between the terror attacks and the speech of the terrorist Abu Mazen
[Abbas]," Likud Minister Yariv Levin told a crowd gathered
outside Netanyahu’s residence as they protested the growth of Palestinian
violence. "The time has come to say clearly what we believe, that the PA
is the problem. Those who teach their children to engage in terror and
who pay terrorists who sit in jail, are not a partner to anything. Abu
Mazen wants many things, but peace is not one of them," he emphasized.
Israel has arrested members of the terrorist cell that attacked and killed
Rabbi Eitam Henkin and his wife Naama Henkin in front of their four
children, the oldest of whom is nine years old. The five-person cell is
affiliated with Hamas in Nablus. (Photo: IDFblog)
Rabbi Eitam Henkin and his wife Naama Henkin in front of their four
children, the oldest of whom is nine years old. The five-person cell is
affiliated with Hamas in Nablus. (Photo: IDFblog)
A Shift of Time and
Of course, those who have been following the news since the first Blood
Moon realize that these current events seem to be part of a trend that began
escalating last year with the first lunar eclipse.
When we think of these lunar eclipses, we remember
that God often uses heavenly and earthly signs as milestone events that signal
a shift from one season in God’s grand plan to another — the next move of God
we might say. The blood placed on the doorposts on the first Passover in Egypt signalled
the end of bondage under the hands of the Egyptians and the beginning of
freedom as the nation of God. The star of Bethlehem signalled the coming of the
Messiah and the beginning of His reign. In each
of these shifts of time, God spoke very specifically as to what these signs
signify, and He told us that before the end of days, He would “show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and
fire and columns of smoke. The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the
moon to blood.” (Joel 2:30–31) We haven’t yet seen divine
wonders of fire and columns of smoke but, in this past year, many nations
certainly have seen moons turned to blood (lunar eclipses) and a darkened sun
(solar eclipse).
A composite of nine phases of the supermoon lunar eclipse images shot
at Anglesey, Wales. (Composite photo by Kev Lewis)
at Anglesey, Wales. (Composite photo by Kev Lewis)
God is showing us through these blood moons a glimpse of the awesome wonders in
the heavens that are to come so that we will not be terrified by them, as
non-Believers will be. “Do not learn the ways of
the nations or be terrified by signs in the heavens, though the nations are
terrified by them.” (Jeremiah 10:2)
events that coincided with these celestial episodes indicate a significant
shift of time and season that must occur before that great and terrible day of
the Lord comes.
Here are
some of these events that have occurred since the first blood moon:
April 23, 2014: Fatah
and Hamas formed unity government.
June 12, 2014: Three
Jewish teens were abducted and murdered, precipitating another war with Hamas.
July 8, 2014: War
broke out between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
As war
raged, condemnations against Israel heightened, with accusations of war crimes
and worldwide movements to boycott Israeli products.
moved into Israel’s backyard at the Sinai, as well as in Syria.
June 26, 2015: Pope
Francis recognized Palestine as a state, bypassing the need for peaceful
negotiations between Israel and the PA.
September 30, 2015: PA
President Mahmoud Abbas spoke at the United Nations stating that the Oslo Peace
Accords that required negotiations with Israel on a two-state solution no
longer apply. The same day, the PA flag was raised at the UN
headquarters. Even though these are significant
events, a shift of time and season seemed to take place on September 25 — two
days before the last blood moon.
Pope Francis addressed the United Nations and
endorsed a major step toward a new world order. “The adoption of the 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development at the World Summit, which opens today, is
an important sign of hope,” he told the General Assembly.
The Pope warmly greets Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem in May 2014.
What Is Expected to
Happen by 2030?
“[The beast] causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both
free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one
can buy or sell unless he has the mark; that is, the name of the beast or the
number of its name.” (Revelation 13:16–17)
The UN Sustainable Development website says, “We
are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to
heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the bold and
transformative steps which are urgently needed
to shift the world onto a sustainable and resilient path. As
we embark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left
This new universal
Agenda contains 17 goals and 169 targets, such as
peace (Goal 16)
education with standardized objectives through university level (section 25)
wealth distribution (Section 27)
These goals and objectives are on a 15-year fast
track, whose implementations are being moved into the sovereign hands of the
United Nations and not our nations' representative bodies. Prophecy watchmen
say that these noble ambitions for humanity will logically lead to the need for
one world government and one world currency, perhaps a cashless society where
all commerce is tracked through a chip on a card or even in our body. And
the striving for universal peace may be the catalyst for adopting a Middle East peace plan that begins the seven-year time of Jacob’s trouble or
tribulation. We know, though, that after three and a half
years, the peace treaty will be broken (Daniel 9:27; Revelation 11:2–3,
13:5). Of course, these projections are merely speculations. Yet, to
consider such speculations helps us stay alert to
how God’s plan is unfolding.
Iran, Russia, and
China Move into Syria
Other significant events that directly impact the security of Israel and
perhaps the entire world also happened just days before and after the last
blood moon:
September 17, 2015: The US
Congress failed to stop the nuclear agreement with Iran. October 18 is
“adoption day” and many fear it will likely lead to building up Iran’s
capabilities to invade Israel.
September, 2015: Russia, who is currently
selling an anti-missile defence system to Iran, set up bases in Syria and at
its port of Tartus. Although Russia said that it is there to fight ISIS, its
air strikes in Syria on September 30 reportedly hit non-ISIS rebel groups in
areas where Assad’s forces are under pressure from insurgents.
September 25, 2015: The
Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning-CV-16 docked at Tartus to support the
Russian-Iranian military buildup. This joint Russia-China development may
include troops and military aircraft later in the month. (Debka)
September 27, 2015: Israel
returned rocket fire from war-torn Syria after rockets "strayed" into
the Golan Heights. According to Debka, the Syrian rocket fire was
ordered by Iranian Brig. Azadi to demonstrate that it was free to mount a
campaign in Syria against Israel even though Israel warned Putin it would not
allow it.
September 29, 2015: Putin
warned Israel that Russia would not tolerate Israel striking Iranian targets in
October 1, 2015: In yet another sign that the war
in Syria is turning both regional and global in scope, Lebanese sources told
Reuters on Thursday that hundreds of Iranian troops have arrived in Syria to
join a major ground offensive in support of President Bashar al-Assad's
October 1, 2015: United States President Barack
Obama pulled US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power and US
Secretary of State John Kerry into a video conference as Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the General Assembly on Thursday. During his
speech, Netanyahu rebuked the international body for remaining silent while
Iran threatened Israel's existence.
While Russia is partnering with Iran
in Syria, Iran remains committed to Israel's destruction. Russia's lack
of concern for Israel's security is very troubling indeed. Imagine,
reader, an enemy mounting a military force on your border. How would your
government respond to the world's silence? These moves are creating a stir
in the prophetic newsrooms with much speculation that the war of Gog and Magog
described by the Prophet Ezekiel is on the horizon.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the General Assembly.
Why Is Russia
“You will say, ... ‘I will plunder and loot and turn my hand against the
resettled ruins and the people gathered from the nations.’ ... You will
come from your place in the far north, you and many nations with you.” (Ezekiel
While not all scholars agree that Russia
is referred to in Ezekiel 38, there is plenty of reason to be concerned that
this military power to the “far north” is now right in Israel’s backyard.
Russia is a major ally with Israel’s biggest
nemesis — Iran, who is mentioned in both the Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83 invasions.
Russia sold to Iran in 2013 an S-300 surface-to-air missile system and
this year an advanced anti-missile defence system. As well, Russia has become a
staunch supporter of the Lebanese army where the terrorist group Hezbollah is
based: “We give unconditional support to the people of Lebanon in opposing the
terrorist and extremist groupings like the Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra,”
said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to the UN General Assembly last
week. “We confirm the readiness to continue upgrading the potential and
combat readiness of the Lebanese forces as they stand up to terrorism.” The Russian Orthodox Church, which President Vladimir
Putin reportedly attends regularly, publicly supports this “holy battle”:
“The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our country is
perhaps the most active force in the world fighting it," said the head of
the Church's public affairs department, Vsevolod Chaplin.
Vsevolod Chaplin (Photo by Чръный человек)
While Russia is building up Assad’s Syrian army and
the Lebanese army against terrorists in this holy war, it may ultimately
consider any group against Assad, including Israel, to be terrorists. When
asked to define a terrorist on October 1 at the UN, Lavrov said, "If it
looks like a terrorist, if it acts like a terrorist, if it walks like a
terrorist, if it fights like a terrorist, it's a terrorist, right?" (CNN)
In fact, Britain’s defense minister said Saturday that only 1 in 20 strikes
are targeting ISIS; the rest are hitting civilians and rebel groups who oppose
Assad, including those backed by western nations. (Haaretz) Over
24 Russian attack fighter planes have landed in Syria, including SU-27 jets
with SA-22 air-to-air missiles; this is clearly overkill to fight ISIS who has
no air power. But it is adequate to invade a neighboring country. With
Russia’s military might and presence in the region, Iran can supercharge its
military coalition with Israel’s staunchest enemies. With this coalition in place, Iran will try to fulfill its promise to
erase Israel from the map within 25 years — or at least fulfill a
prophetic invasion. Iran has already said that it is just waiting for
Israel to strike first so it can proceed.
An SU-27 fighter jet
As well, other nations
from afar are joining forces with Russia:
On September 25th, the Chinese aircraft carrier
Liaoning-CV-16 and a guide missile cruiser docked in the port of Tartus.
According to a DebkaFile exclusive report, on their way are “a
squadron of J-15 Flying Shark fighters, some for takeoff positions on the
carrier’s decks, the rest to be stationed at the Russian airbase near Latakia. “The
Chinese will also deploy Z-18F anti-submarine helicopters and Z-18J airborne
early warning helicopters. In addition, Beijing will consign at least
1,000 marines to fight alongside their counterparts from Russia and Iran
against terrorist groups, including ISIS.” The report adds that China’s stated
mission is the same as Russia's — to stop the spread of ISIS and to prevent
ISIS-trained nationals from returning home. Therefore, they will fire at any
rebel group that has Chinese nationals in it.
A joint Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi war room
operates in Baghdad and has free use of the Al Taqaddum Air Base at Habbaniyah
as a stopping ground for airlifts to Syria.As well, Russia intends to fight
ISIS in northern Iraq and prevent about 2,500 Chechen Muslims who are fighting
with ISIS from returning home. The US has about 5,000 troops deployed at
this same base. (Debka)
The Next Time We
Meet — 2033 Super Blood Moon
Three years after the United Nation’s 2030 Agenda
is slated to be in force, another super blood moon will culminate a blood moon
tetrad, albeit not on festival days. By this time, a universal oneness will
likely be in place on 17 primary issues such as peace, poverty, education, and
health, among others. Once that foundation is laid, what will the world’s next
move be — perhaps a peace agreement in the Middle East? Perhaps the nations
from the far north and east will remain in the Middle East and successfully
push Israel’s friends completely out of the region. This will further
isolate Israel and create the ideal climate for an Ezekiel 38 or a Psalm 83
invasion — or maybe both. Prophecy watchers may very well look back to the
events since April 2014, and especially during September 2015, as significant
events that shifted a new move in God's divine plan. But this is the way it
has to be, for in these prophetic wars no one can take the glory for defeating
the invaders — not Israel, not the USA — only God. “‘I
will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your
right hand. On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your
troops and the nations with you. ...’ for I have spoken, declares the Sovereign
LORD. ‘I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in safety in the
coastlands, and they will know that I am the LORD.’” (Ezekiel
Netanyahu visits a Jewish teen stabbed in a random attack during Sukkot.
Mark Biltz, author of Blood Moons, helps us
put these speculations into perspective: "God is telling people to be
prepared in so many ways. We need to be prepared mentally, spiritually,
as well as practically. We need to get our houses in order financially as
much as possible. We need to always have some cash on hand for emergency
situations as well as to be prepared to help our neighbors." (wnd)
And we need to fulfill our kingdom mandate as ambassadors to all who don't yet
know their Messiah, and especially to those who are praying to discover His
identity in the pages of the Scriptures.
Your prayer support is essential to reach the Jewish People with the Good News of
Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) during this end-time season.
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